
Rights Based Approach

When it comes to protecting our human rights, some communities don't really understand what these are and whether or not they have them in the first place.

While considerable efforts have been made over the years to mainstream these rights in development, much still needs to be done to empower communities to understand and demand for their rights on the one hand, and governments to fulfil their legal and moral obligations towards rights holders

Also, many communities have been subject to repression, discrimination and other injustices as a result of their lack of knowledge on basic human rights.

We work towards a future where communities know their rights, the state fulfils its role as the guarantor of them and local governments promote respect for human rights by integrating them into development processes.


What Can You Do?

Join us in this quest for human rights awareness and empowerment


Agri-Credit Fund

Natural Resource Management

ontrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making

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