Our Partners

World Wildlife Fund

FORUDEF is currently partnering with the World Wildlife Fund to implement a number of initiatives focused on forestry management, environmental education, the sustainable use and management of non-timber forest products, and the monitoring of protected wildlife zones. FORUDEF works with local communities to create a deeper understanding of environmental stewardship, awareness, utilization, and protection

Bees Abroad

Since 2009, Bees Abroad has provided valuable expertise, materials, and financial resources to encouraging the growth and development of beekeeping in the Southwest. FORUDEF has formed a strong partnership with Bees Abroad in that time, and has seen significant increases the amount and quality of honey produced in the area. 


GlobeMed aims to strengthen the movement for global health equity by empowering students and communities to work together to improve the health of people living in poverty around the world.  In 2013, GlobeMed signed an MoU with FORUDEF to foster activities in the domain of health and poverty alleviation.  Since then a team of students of the Xavier University Chapter of GlobeMed visited FORUDEF, and travelled to Akwaya where the Chapter is funding a VIP toilet project.

Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife

The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife, through the Program for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources for the Southwest, has worked with FORUDEF to promote non-timber forest products management and capacity building throughout the Southwest region, especially in Akwaya. The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife has provided training, technical services and strategic advice towards the promotion of sustainable development initiatives.

Global Giving

As of September 2011, FORUDEF has obtained a permanent partnership with Golbal Giving as a result of meeting the requirements set out in the August 2011 Open Challenge. FORUDEF used Global Giving’s online donation site to raise enough money to implement an income generation project in Ote village. Global Giving acts as an online marketplace for grassroots NGOs to obtain support from individual donors around the world. FORUDEF will continue to post projects on the Global Giving site, with the goal of raising funds from the international community of individuals focused on empowering grassroots change.